4 Mart 2010 Perşembe

Design // Paul Smith Lounge -- Stockholm // Room2

Another room is covered entirely with photos of flowers, taken by paul smith, and 'adapted'
to dress chairs, sofas, teacups.

'I want to spread an interesting, optimistic atmosphere that inspires people and shows something

other than pure elegance. I made an area which is divided into sections which is just, I hope,
very intriguing for people.'
paul smith to designboom.

'One section is full of flowers, photographs of flowers I've taken on my various trips
around the world. to remind us about the importance of nature and how much inspiration
we can get by observing how beautiful nature is designed (whoever designed it).'

paul smith

'it looks very pretty and it's very optimistic'.
paul smith

Posted via email from trendthing's posterous

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